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Text 9

yāvān ayaṁ vai puruṣo
yāvatyā saṁsthayā mitaḥ
tāvān asāv api mahā-
puruṣo loka-saṁsthayā

yāvān — to which extent; ayam — this; vai — indeed; puruṣaḥ — ordinary individual person; yāvatyā — extending to which dimensions; saṁsthayā — by the position of his limbs; mitaḥ — measured; tāvān — to that extent; asau — He; api — also; mahā-puruṣaḥ — the transcendental personality; loka-saṁsthayā — according to the positions of the planetary systems.

Just as one can determine the dimensions of an ordinary person of this world by measuring his various limbs, one can determine the dimensions of the Mahāpuruṣa by measuring the arrangement of the planetary systems within His universal form.

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