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Text 14

śrī-vṛtra uvāca
diṣṭyā bhavān me samavasthito ripur
yo brahma-hā guru-hā bhrātṛ-hā ca
diṣṭyānṛṇo ’dyāham asattama tvayā

śrī-vṛtraḥ uvāca — the great hero Vṛtrāsura said; diṣṭyā — by good fortune; bhavān — Your Lordship; me — of me; samavasthitaḥ — situated (in front); ripuḥ — my enemy; yaḥ — who; brahma-hā — the killer of a brāhmaṇa; guru-hā — the killer of your guru; bhrātṛ-hā — the killer of my brother; ca — also; diṣṭyā — by good fortune; anṛṇaḥ — free from debt (to my brother); adya — today; aham — I; asat-tama — O most abominable one; tvayā — through you; mat-śūla — by my trident; nirbhinna — being pierced; dṛṣat — like stone; hṛdā — whose heart; acirāt — very soon.

Śrī Vṛtrāsura said: He who has killed a brāhmaṇa, he who has killed his spiritual master — indeed, he who has killed my brother — is now, by good fortune, standing before me face to face as my enemy. O most abominable one, when I pierce your stonelike heart with my trident, I shall be freed from my debt to my brother.

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