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Text 28

uśīnareṣv abhūd rājā
suyajña iti viśrutaḥ
sapatnair nihato yuddhe
jñātayas tam upāsata

uśīnareṣu — in the state known as Uśīnara; abhūt — there was; rājā — a king; suyajñaḥ — Suyajña; iti — thus; viśrutaḥ — celebrated; sapatnaiḥ — by enemies; nihataḥ — killed; yuddhe — in war; jñātayaḥ — the kinsmen; tam — him; upāsata — sat around.

In the state known as Uśīnara there was a celebrated king named Suyajña. When the King was killed in battle by his enemies, his kinsmen sat down around the dead body and began to lament the death of their friend.

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