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Texts 45-46

bhrātrābhinanditaḥ so ’tha
sotsavāṁ prāviśat purīm
praviśya rāja-bhavanaṁ
guru-patnīḥ sva-mātaram

gurūn vayasyāvarajān
pūjitaḥ pratyapūjayat
vaidehī lakṣmaṇaś caiva
yathāvat samupeyatuḥ

bhrātrā — by His brother (Bharata); abhinanditaḥ — being welcomed properly; saḥ — He, Lord Rāmacandra; atha — thereafter; sa-utsavām — in the midst of a festival; prāviśat — entered; purīm — the city of Ayodhyā; praviśya — after entering; rāja-bhavanam — the royal palace; guru-patnīḥ — Kaikeyī and other stepmothers; sva-mātaram — His own mother (Kauśalyā); gurūn — the spiritual masters (Śrī Vasiṣṭha and others); vayasya — unto friends of the same age; avara-jān — and those who were younger than He; pūjitaḥ — being worshiped by them; pratyapūjayat — He returned the obeisances; vaidehī — mother Sītā; lakṣmaṇaḥ — Lakṣmaṇa; ca eva — and; yathā-vat — in a befitting way; samupeyatuḥ — being welcomed, entered the palace.

Thereafter, having been welcomed by His brother Bharata, Lord Rāmacandra entered the city of Ayodhyā in the midst of a festival. When He entered the palace, He offered obeisances to all the mothers, including Kaikeyī and the other wives of Mahārāja Daśaratha, and especially His own mother, Kauśalyā. He also offered obeisances to the spiritual preceptors, such as Vasiṣṭha. Friends of His own age and younger friends worshiped Him, and He returned their respectful obeisances, as did Lakṣmaṇa and mother Sītā. In this way they all entered the palace.

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