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Text 28

āpta-kāmo yadu-patiḥ
kṛtavān vai jugupsitam
kim-abhiprāya etan naḥ
śaṁśayaṁ chindhi su-vrata

āpta-kāmaḥ — self-satisfied; yadu-patiḥ — the master of the Yadu dynasty; kṛtavān — has performed; vai — certainly; jugupsitam — that which is contemptible; kim-abhiprāyaḥ — with what intent; etat — this; naḥ — our; śaṁśayam — doubt; chindhi — please cut; su-vrata — O faithful upholder of vows.

O faithful upholder of vows, please destroy our doubt by explaining to us what purpose the self-satisfied Lord of the Yadus had in mind when He behaved so contemptibly.

It is clear to the enlightened that these doubts will arise in the minds and hearts of persons unfamiliar with the transcendental pastimes of the Lord. Therefore since time immemorial great sages and enlightened kings like Parīkṣit Mahārāja have openly raised these questions to provide the authoritative answer for all posterity.

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