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Text 20

namo bhṛguṇāṁ pataye
namas te raghu-varyāya
rāvaṇānta-karāya ca

namaḥ — obeisances; bhṛgūṇām — of the descendants of Bhṛgu; pataye — to the chief (Lord Paraśurāma); dṛpta — conceited; kṣatra — of the members of the royal order; vana — the forest; chide — who cut down; namaḥ — obeisances; te — to You; raghu-varyāya — the best of the descendants of Raghu; rāvaṇa — of Rāvaṇa; anta-karāya — who put an end; ca — and.

Obeisances to You, Lord of the Bhṛgus, who cut down the forest of the conceited royal order, and to Lord Rāma, the best of the Raghu dynasty, who put an end to the demon Rāvaṇa.

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