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Text 40

śrī-samudra uvāca
na cāhārṣam ahaṁ deva
daityaḥ pañcajano mahān
antar-jala-caraḥ kṛṣṇa
śaṅkha-rūpa-dharo ’suraḥ

śrī-samudraḥ uvāca — the ocean personified said; na — not; ca — and; ahārṣam — did take (him) away; aham — I; deva — O Lord; daityaḥ — a descendant of Diti; pañcajanaḥ — named Pañcajana; mahān — powerful; antaḥ — within; jala — the water; caraḥ — going; kṛṣṇa — O Kṛṣṇa; śaṅkha — of a conch; rūpa — the form; dharaḥ — assuming; asuraḥ — the demon.

The ocean replied: O Lord Kṛṣṇa, it was not I who abducted him, but a demonic descendant of Diti named Pañcajana, who travels in the water in the form of a conch.

Clearly the demon Pañcajana was too powerful for the ocean to control; otherwise the ocean would have prevented such an unlawful act.

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