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Text 9

nāti-dīrgheṇa kālena
sa kārṣṇi rūḍha-yauvanaḥ
janayām āsa nārīṇāṁ
vīkṣantīnāṁ ca vibhramam

na — not; ati-dīrgheṇa — very long; kālena — after a time; saḥ — He; kārṣṇiḥ — the son of Kṛṣṇa; rūḍha — attaining; yauvanaḥ — full youth; janayām āsa — generated; nārīṇām — for the women; vīkṣantīnām — who looked upon Him; ca — and; vibhramam — enchantment.

After a short time, this son of Kṛṣṇa — Pradyumna — attained His full youth. He enchanted all women who gazed upon Him.

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