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Text 10

satrājit sva-gṛhaṁ śrīmat
praviśya deva-sadane
maṇiṁ viprair nyaveśayat

satrājit — Satrājit; sva — his; gṛham — home; śrīmat — opulent; kṛta — (where there were) executed; kautuka — with festivity; maṅgalam — auspicious rituals; praviśya — entering; deva-sadane — in the temple room; maṇim — the jewel; vipraiḥ — by learned brāhmaṇas; nyaveśayat — he had installed.

King Satrājit entered his opulent home, festively executing auspicious rituals. He had qualified brāhmaṇas install the Syamantaka jewel in the house’s temple room.

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