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Text 3

labdhvaitad antaraṁ rājan
śatadhanvānam ūcatuḥ
maniḥ kasmān na gṛhyate

labdhvā — achieving; etat — this; antaram — opportunity; rājan — O King (Parīkṣit); śatadhanvānam — to Śatadhanvā; ūcatuḥ — said; akrūra-kṛtavarmāṇau — Akrūra and Kṛtavarmā; maniḥ — the jewel; kasmāt — why; na gṛhyate — should not be taken.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, O King, Akrūra and Kṛtavarmā went to Śatadhanvā and said, “Why not take the Syamantaka jewel?

Akrūra and Kṛtavarmā reasoned that since Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma were absent from Dvārakā, Satrājit could be killed and the jewel stolen. Śrīla Śrīdhara Svāmī mentions that these two must have flattered Śatadhanvā telling him, “You are much braver than we are; so you kill him.”

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