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Text 8

tam āha prema-vaiklavya-
smarantī tān bahūn kleśān

tam — to Him; āha — she said; prema — of love; vaiklavya — due to the distress; ruddha — choking; kaṇṭhā — whose throat; aśru — (filled) with tears; locanā — whose eyes; smarantī — remembering; tān — those; bahūn — many; kleśān — pains; kleśa — of pain; apāya — for the dispelling; ātma — Himself; darśanam — who shows.

So overcome by love that her throat choked up and her eyes filled with tears, Queen Kuntī remembered the many troubles she and her sons had endured. Thus she addressed Lord Kṛṣṇa, who appears before His devotees to drive away their distress

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