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Texts 27-28

pramṛjyāśru-kale netre
stanau copahatau śucā
āśliṣya bāhunā rājan
ananya-viṣayāṁ satīm

sāntvayām āsa sāntva-jñaḥ
kṛpayā kṛpaṇāṁ prabhuḥ
atad-arhāṁ satāṁ gatiḥ

pramṛjya — wiping; aśru-kale — filled with tears; netre — her eyes; stanau — her breasts; ca — and; upahatau — disarrayed; śucā — by her sorrowful tears; aśliṣya — embracing her; bāhunā — with His arm; rājan — O King (Parīkṣit); ananya — no other; viṣayām — whose object of desire; satīm — chaste; sāntvayām āsa — He consoled; sāntva — of ways of consoling; jñaḥ — the expert knower; kṛpayā — compassionately; kṛpaṇām — pitiable; prabhuḥ — the Supreme Lord; hāsya — of His joking; prauḍhi — by the cleverness; bhramat — becoming bewildered; cittām — whose mind; atat-arhām — not deserving that; satām — of pure devotees; gatiḥ — the goal.

Wiping her tear-filled eyes and her breasts, which were stained by tears of grief, the Supreme Lord, the goal of His devotees, embraced His chaste wife, who desired nothing but Him, O King. Expert in the art of pacification, Śrī Kṛṣṇa tenderly consoled pitiable Rukmiṇī, whose mind was bewildered by His clever joking and who did not deserve to suffer so.

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