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Text 42

yathāhaṁ praṇame viprān
anukālaṁ samāhitaḥ
tathā namata yūyaṁ ca
yo ’nyathā me sa daṇḍa-bhāk

yathā — as; aham — I; praṇame — bow down; viprān — to brāhmaṇas; anu-kālam — all the time; samāhitaḥ — carefully; tathā — so; namata — should bow down; yūyam — all of you; ca — also; yaḥ — one who; anyathā — (does) otherwise; me — by Me; saḥ — he; daṇḍa — for punishment; bhāk — a candidate.

Just us I always carefully bow down to brāhmaṇas, so all of you should likewise bow down to them. I will punish anyone who acts otherwise.

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