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Text 38

kṛtyāṁ māheśvarīṁ vibhuḥ
vijñāya tad-vighātārthaṁ
pārśva-sthaṁ cakram ādiśat

sarvasya — everyone; antaḥ — within; bahiḥ — and without; sākṣī — the witness; kṛtyām — the manufactured creature; māhā-īśvarīm — of Lord Śiva; vibhuḥ — the almighty Supreme Lord; vijñāya — fully understanding; tat — him; vighāta — of defeating; artham — for the purpose; pārśva — at His side; stham — standing; cakram — His disc; ādiśat — He ordered.

The almighty Lord, the internal and external witness of all, understood that the monster had been produced by Lord Śiva from the sacrificial fire. To defeat the demon, Kṛṣṇa dispatched His disc weapon, who was waiting at His side.

Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī comments that Lord Kṛṣṇa, playing the part of a king, was absorbed in a gambling match and did not want to be disturbed by such an insignificant matter as the attack of a fiery demon. So He simply dispatched His cakra weapon and ordered him to take the necessary steps.

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