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Texts 14-15

taṁ grāvṇā prāharat kruddho
balaḥ praharatāṁ varaḥ
sa vañcayitvā grāvāṇaṁ
madirā-kalaśaṁ kapiḥ

gṛhītvā helayām āsa
dhūrtas taṁ kopayan hasan
nirbhidya kalaśaṁ duṣṭo
vāsāṁsy āsphālayad balam
kadarthī-kṛtya balavān
vipracakre madoddhataḥ

tam — at him, Dvivida; grāvṇā — a rock; prāharat — threw; kruddhaḥ — angry; balaḥ — Lord Balarāma; praharatām — of throwers of weapons; varaḥ — the best; saḥ — he, Dvivida; vañcayitvā — avoiding; grāvāṇam — the rock; madirā — of liquor; kalaśam — the pot; kapiḥ — the ape; gṛhītvā — seizing; helayām āsa — made fun of; dhūrtaḥ — the rascal; tam — Him, Lord Balarāma; kopayan — angering; hasan — laughing; nirbhidya — breaking; kalaśam — the pot; duṣṭaḥ — wicked; vāsāṁsi — the garments (of the girls); āsphālayat — he pulled at; balam — Lord Balarāma; kadarthīkṛtya — disrespecting; bala-vān — powerful; vipracakre — he insulted; mada — by false pride; uddhataḥ — puffed up.

Angered, Lord Balarāma, the best of fighters, hurled a rock at him, but the cunning ape dodged the rock and grabbed the Lord’s pot of liquor. Further infuriating Lord Balarāma by laughing and by ridiculing Him, wicked Dvivida then broke the pot and offended the Lord even more by pulling at the girls’ clothing. Thus the powerful ape, puffed up with false pride, continued to insult Śrī Balarāma.

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