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Text 25

kvāpi sandhyām upāsīnaṁ
japantaṁ brahma vāg-yatam
ekatra cāsi-carmābhyāṁ
carantam asi-vartmasu

kva api — somewhere; sandhyām — the rituals of sunset; upāsīnam — worshiping; japantam — quietly chanting; brahma — the Vedic mantra (Gāyatrī); vāk-yatam — controlling His speech; ekatra — in one place; ca — and; asi — with sword; carmābhyām — and shield; carantam — moving about; asi-vartmasu — in the corridors set aside for sword practice.

Somewhere Lord Kṛṣṇa was observing the rituals for worship at sunset by refraining from speech and quietly chanting the Gāyatrī mantra, and elsewhere He was moving about with sword and shield in the areas set aside for sword practice.

According to Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī, the words sandhyām upāsīnam indicate sunset rituals, whereas the words asi-carmābhyāṁ carantam refer to sword practice, which takes place at dawn.

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