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Text 15

śrutvājitaṁ jarāsandhaṁ
nṛpater dhyāyato hariḥ
āhopāyaṁ tam evādya
uddhavo yam uvāca ha

śrutvā — hearing; ajitam — unconquered; jarāsandham — Jarāsandha; nṛpateḥ — the King; dhyāyataḥ — as he pondered; hariḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa; āha — told; upāyam — the means; tam — to him; eva — indeed; ādyaḥ — the original person; uddhavaḥ — Uddhava; yam — which; uvāca ha — had spoken.

When King Yudhiṣṭhira heard that Jarāsandha remained undefeated, he set to pondering, and then the primeval Lord, Hari, told him the means Uddhava had described for defeating Jarāsandha.

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