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Text 26

bhojayitvā varānnena
su-snātān samalaṅkṛtān
bhogaiś ca vividhair yuktāṁs
tāmbūlādyair nṛpocitaiḥ

bhojayitvā — feeding; vara — excellent; annena — with food; su — properly; snātān — bathed; samalaṅkṛtān — well decorated; bhogaiḥ — with objects of enjoyment; ca — and; vividhaiḥ — various; yuktān — bestowed; tāmbūla — betel nut; ādyaiḥ — and so on; nṛpa — kings; ucitaiḥ — befitting.

After they had been properly bathed and adorned, Lord Kṛṣṇa saw to it that they dined on excellent food. He also presented them with various items befitting the pleasure of kings, such as betel nut.

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