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Text 11

sv-alaṅkṛtair bhaṭair bhūpā
niryayū rukma-mālinaḥ

citra — of various colors; dhvaja — with flags; patāka — and banners; agraiḥ — excellent; ibha — with elephants; indra — lordly; syandana — chariots; arvabhiḥ — and horses; su-alaṅkṛtaiḥ — well ornamented; bhaṭaiḥ — with foot soldiers; bhū-pāḥ — the kings; niryayuḥ — departed; rukma — gold; mālinaḥ — wearing necklaces.

All the kings, wearing gold necklaces, then set off for the Yamunā. They had flags and banners of various colors and were accompanied by infantrymen and well-adorned soldiers riding lordly elephants, chariots and horses.

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