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Text 71
avani-patir ivāsādhūnāṁ bhayam udīrayann aṭati parita āśā-pālais tatra tatra kamala-kośāñjalibhir upahṛtārhaṇaḥ.
avani-patiḥ — a king; iva — as; asādhūnām — of the unholy; bhayam — fear; udīrayan — creating; aṭati — travels about; paritaḥ — all around; āśā-pālaiḥ — by the controlling deities of the directions; tatra tatra — here and there; kamala-kośa — holding lotus flowers; añjalibhiḥ — with folded palms; upahṛta — offered; arhaṇaḥ — honorable presentations.
Just like an earthly king, you travel about everywhere spreading fear among the unholy as the powerful deities of the directions offer you in their folded palms lotus flowers and other respectful presentations.