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Text 11

yan-nāma śrutam anukīrtayed akasmād
ārto vā yadi patitaḥ pralambhanād vā
hanty aṁhaḥ sapadi nṛṇām aśeṣam anyaṁ
kaṁ śeṣād bhagavata āśrayen mumukṣuḥ

yat — of whom; nāma — the holy name; śrutam — heard; anukīrtayet — may chant or repeat; akasmāt — by accident; ārtaḥ — a distressed person; — or; yadi — if; patitaḥ — a fallen person; pralambhanāt — out of joking; — or; hanti — destroys; aṁhaḥ — sinful; sapadi — that instant; nṛṇām — of human society; aśeṣam — unlimited; anyam — of other; kam — what; śeṣāt — than Lord Śeṣa; bhagavataḥ — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; āśrayet — should take shelter of; mumukṣuḥ — anyone desiring liberation.

Even if he be distressed or degraded, any person who chants the holy name of the Lord, having heard it from a bona fide spiritual master, is immediately purified. Even if he chants the Lord’s name jokingly or by chance, he and anyone who hears him are freed from all sins. Therefore how can anyone seeking disentanglement from the material clutches avoid chanting the name of Lord Śeṣa? Of whom else should one take shelter?

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