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Text 16

yas tv iha vai rājā rāja-puruṣo vā adaṇḍye daṇḍaṁ praṇayati brāhmaṇe vā śarīra-daṇḍaṁ sa pāpīyān narake ’mutra sūkaramukhe nipatati tatrātibalair viniṣpiṣyamāṇāvayavo yathaivehekṣukhaṇḍa ārta-svareṇa svanayan kvacin mūrcchitaḥ kaśmalam upagato yathaivehā-dṛṣṭa-doṣā uparuddhāḥ.

yaḥ — anyone who; tu — but; iha — in this life; vai — indeed; rājā — a king; rāja-puruṣaḥ — a king’s man; — or; adaṇḍye — unto one not punishable; daṇḍam — punishment; praṇayati — inflicts; brāhmaṇe — unto a brāhmaṇa; — or; śarīra-daṇḍam — corporal punishment; saḥ — that person, king or government officer; pāpīyān — the most sinful; narake — in the hell; amutra — in the next life; sūkaramukhe — named Sūkaramukha; nipatati — falls down; tatra — there; ati-balaiḥ — by very strong assistants of Yamarāja; viniṣpiṣyamāṇa — being crushed; avayavaḥ — the different parts of whose body; yathā — like; eva — certainly; iha — here; ikṣu-khaṇḍaḥ — sugarcane; ārta-svareṇa — with a pitiable sound; svanayan — crying; kvacit — sometimes; mūrcchitaḥ — fainted; kaśmalam upagataḥ — becoming illusioned; yathā — just like; eva — indeed; iha — here; adṛṣṭa-doṣāḥ — who is not at fault; uparuddhāḥ — arrested for punishment.

In his next life, a sinful king or governmental representative who punishes an innocent person, or who inflicts corporal punishment upon a brāhmaṇa, is taken by the Yamadūtas to the hell named Sūkaramukha, where the most powerful assistants of Yamarāja crush him exactly as one crushes sugarcane to squeeze out the juice. The sinful living entity cries very pitiably and faints, just like an innocent man undergoing punishments. This is the result of punishing a faultless person.

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