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Text 17

etad veditum icchāmaḥ
sarva eva vayaṁ mune
bhagavan-nindayā veno
dvijais tamasi pātitaḥ

etat — this; veditum — to know; icchāmaḥ — desire; sarve — all; eva — certainly; vayam — we; mune — O great sage; bhagavat-nindayā — because of blaspheming the Lord; venaḥ — Vena, the father of Pṛthu Mahārāja; dvijaiḥ — by the brāhmaṇas; tamasi — into hell; pātitaḥ — was thrown.

O great sage, we are all eager to know the cause for this mercy of the Lord. I have heard that formerly a king named Vena blasphemed the Supreme Personality of Godhead and that all the brāhmaṇas consequently obliged him to go to hell. Śiśupāla should also have been sent to hell. How then did he merge into the Lord’s existence?

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