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Text 15

devān ṛṣīn nṛ-bhūtāni
pitṝn ātmānam anvaham
yajeta puruṣaṁ pṛthak

devān — unto the demigods; ṛṣīn — unto the great sages; nṛ — unto human society; bhūtāni — unto the living entities in general; pitṝn — unto the forefathers; ātmānam — one’s self or the Supreme Self; anvaham — daily; sva-vṛttyā — by one’s means of livelihood; āgata-vittena — money that automatically comes; yajeta — one should worship; puruṣam — the person situated in everyone’s heart; pṛthak — separately.

Every day, one should worship the Supreme Being who is situated in everyone’s heart, and on this basis one should separately worship the demigods, the saintly persons, ordinary human beings and living entities, one’s forefathers and one’s self. In this way one is able to worship the Supreme Being in the core of everyone’s heart.

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