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Text 162

sad-vaṁśatas tava janiḥ puruṣottamasya
pāṇau sthitir muralike saralāsi jātyā
kasmāt tvayā sakhi guror viṣamā gṛhītā

sat-vaṁśataḥ — very respectable family; tava — your; janiḥ — birth; puruṣottamasya — of Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa; pāṇau — in the hands; sthitiḥ — residence; muralike — O good flute; saralā — simple; asi — you are; jātyā — by birth; kasmāt — why; tvayā — by you; sakhi — O My dear friend; guroḥ — from the spiritual master; viṣamā — dangerous; gṛhītā — taken; gopa-aṅganā-gaṇa-vimohana — for bewildering the groups of the gopīs; mantra-dīkṣā — initiation in the mantra.

‘My dear friend the flute, it appears that you have been born of a very good family, for your residence is in the hands of Śrī Kṛṣṇa. By birth you are simple and are not at all crooked. Why then have you taken initiation into this dangerous mantra that enchants the assembled gopīs?’

This verse (Vidagdha-mādhava 5.17) is spoken by Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī.

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