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Text 175

sura-ripu-sudṛśām uroja-kokān
mukha-kamalāni ca khedayann akhaṇḍaḥ
ciram akhila-suhṛc-cakora-nandī
diśatu mukunda-yaśaḥ-śaśī mudaṁ vaḥ

sura-ripu — of the enemies of the demigods; sudṛśām — of the wives; uroja — the breasts; kokān — like birds known as cakravāka birds; mukha — faces; kamalāni — like lotuses; ca — also; khedayan — distressing; akhaṇḍaḥ — completely without distortion; ciram — for a long time; akhila — of all; suhṛt — the friend; cakora-nandī — pleasing to the cakora birds; diśatu — let it give; mukunda — of Śrī Kṛṣṇa; yaśaḥ — the glories; śaśī — like the moon; mudam — pleasure; vaḥ — to all of you.

‘The beautiful moonlike glories of Mukunda give distress to the lotuslike faces of the wives of the demons and to their raised breasts, which are like gleaming cakravāka birds. Those glories, however, are pleasing to all His devotees, who are like cakora birds. May those glories forever give pleasure to you all.’ ”

This is the first verse of Act One of the Lalita-mādhava.

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