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Text 186
padāni tv agatārthāni
tad-artha-gataye narāḥ
yojayanti padair anyaiḥ
sa udghātyaka ucyate
padāni — words; tu — but; agata-arthāni — having an unclear meaning; tat — that; artha-gataye — to understand the meaning; narāḥ — men; yojayanti — join; padaiḥ — with words; anyaiḥ — other; saḥ — that; udghātyakaḥ — udghātyaka; ucyate — is called.
“ ‘To explain an unclear word, men generally join it with other words. Such an attempt is called udghātyaka.’ ”
This verse is quoted from the Sāhitya-darpaṇa (6.289).