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Text 86

varṣe sthira taḍid-gaṇa,siñce śyāma nava-ghana,
ghana varṣe taḍit-upare
sakhī-gaṇera nayana,
tṛṣita cātaka-gaṇa,
sei amṛta sukhe pāna kare

varṣe — in that shower; sthira — fixed; taḍit-gaṇa — streaks of lightning; siñce — sprinkle; śyāma — blackish; nava-ghana — new cloud; ghana — the cloud; varṣe — rains; taḍit-upare — upon the streaks of lightning; sakhī-gaṇera — of the gopīs; nayana — the eyes; tṛṣita — thirsty; cātaka-gaṇacātaka birds; sei amṛta — that nectar; sukhe — in happiness; pāna kare — drink.

“The gopīs were like steady streaks of lightning, and Kṛṣṇa resembled a blackish cloud. The lightning began sprinkling water upon the cloud, and the cloud upon the lightning. Like thirsty cātaka birds, the eyes of the gopīs joyously drank the nectarean water from the cloud.

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