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Text 18

‘mālajāṭhyā-daṇḍapāṭe’ tāra adhikāra
sādhi’ pāḍi’ āni’ dravya dila rāja-dvāra

mālajāṭhyā-daṇḍapāṭe — in the place known as Mālajāṭhyā Daṇḍapāta; tāra — his; adhikāra — authority; sādhi’ — soliciting; pāḍi’ — collecting; āni’ — bringing; dravya — the money; dila — gave; rāja-dvāra — to the door of the King.

“He served in the place known as Mālajāṭhyā Daṇḍapāta, soliciting and collecting money there and depositing it in the government treasury.

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