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Text 206

rathāgrete prabhu yaiche karilā nartana
caitanyāṣṭake rūpa-gosāñi karyāche varṇana

ratha-agrete — in front of the car; prabhu — Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu; yaiche — as; karilā — performed; nartana — dancing; caitanya-aṣṭake — in the prayer named Caitanyāṣṭaka; rūpa-gosāñi — Rūpa Gosvāmī; karyāche — has done; varṇana — a vivid description.

In his prayer known as the Caitanyāṣṭaka, Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī has given a vivid description of the Lord’s dancing before the car of Jagannātha.

Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī composed three prayers with the title Caitanyāṣṭaka. The verse next quoted is text 7 from the first of the Caitanyāṣṭaka prayers, which are included in the book Stava-mālā.

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