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Text 66
śāstre yuktau ca nipuṇaḥ
sarvathā dṛḍha-niścayaḥ
prauḍha-śraddho ’dhikārī yaḥ
sa bhaktāv uttamo mataḥ
śāstre — in the revealed scriptures; yuktau — in logic; ca — also; nipuṇaḥ — expert; sarvathā — in all respects; dṛḍha-niścayaḥ — who is firmly convinced; prauḍha — deep; śraddhaḥ — who has faith; adhikārī — eligible; yaḥ — who; saḥ — he; bhaktau — in devotional service; uttamaḥ — highest; mataḥ — is considered.
“ ‘One who is expert in logic and in understanding the revealed scriptures, and who always has firm conviction and deep faith that is not blind, is to be considered a topmost devotee in devotional service.’
This verse appears in the Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (1.2.17), by Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī.