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Text 12

āgaccha yāma gehān naḥ
sa-nāthān kurv adhokṣaja
sahāgrajaḥ sa-gopālaiḥ
suhṛdbhiś ca suhṛttama

āgaccha — please come; yāma — let us go; gehān — to the house; naḥ — our; sa — having; nāthān — a master; kuru — please make it; adhokṣaja — O transcendental Lord; saha — with; agra-jaḥ — Your elder brother; sa-gopālaiḥ — with the cowherd men; suhṛdbhiḥ — with Your friends; ca — and; suhṛt-tama — O supreme well-wisher.

Come, let us go to my house with Your elder brother, the cowherd men and Your companions. O best of friends, O transcendental Lord, in this way please grace my house with its master.

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