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Text 35

yathā dūra-care preṣṭhe
mana āviśya vartate
strīṇāṁ ca na tathā cetaḥ
sannikṛṣṭe ’kṣi-gocare

yathā — as; dūra-care — being situated far away; preṣṭhe — a lover; manaḥ — the minds; āviśya — becoming absorbed; vartate — remain; strīṇām — of women; ca — and; na — not; tathā — so; cetaḥ — their minds; sannikṛṣṭe — when he is near; akṣi-gocare — present before their eyes.

When her lover is far away, a woman thinks of him more than when he is present before her.

According to Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī, the same holds true for men, who become more absorbed in thinking of a beloved woman when she is far away than when she is present before their eyes.

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