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Text 30

nūnaṁ hy adṛṣṭa-niṣṭho ’yam
adṛṣṭa-paramo janaḥ
adṛṣṭam ātmanas tattvaṁ
yo veda na sa muhyati

nūnam — certainly; hi — indeed; adṛṣṭa — unseen; niṣṭhaḥ ayam — something ends there; adṛṣṭa — the unseen destiny; paramaḥ — ultimate; janaḥ — every living entity within this material world; adṛṣṭam — that destiny; ātmanaḥ — of oneself; tattvam — ultimate truth; yaḥ — anyone who; veda — knows; na — not; saḥ — he; muhyati — becomes bewildered.

Every man is certainly controlled by destiny, which determines the results of one’s fruitive activities. In other words, one has a son or daughter because of unseen destiny, and when the son or daughter is no longer present, this also is due to unseen destiny. Destiny is the ultimate controller of everyone. One who knows this is never bewildered.

Nanda Mahārāja consoled his younger brother Vasudeva by saying that destiny is ultimately responsible for everything. Vasudeva should not be unhappy that his many children had been killed by Kaṁsa or that the last child, the daughter, had gone to the heavenly planets.

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