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Text 31

maṇi-hetor iha prāptā
vayam ṛkṣa-pate bilam
mithyābhiśāpaṁ pramṛjann
ātmano maṇināmunā

maṇi — the jewel; hetoḥ — because of; iha — here; prāptāḥ — have come; vayam — we; ṛkṣa-pate — O lord of the bears; bilam — to the cave; mithyā — false; abhiśāpam — the accusation; pramṛjan — to dispel; ātmanaḥ — against Myself; maṇinā — with the jewel; amunā — this.

[Lord Kṛṣṇa said:] It is for this jewel, O lord of the bears, that we have come to your cave. I intend to use the jewel to disprove the false accusations against Me.

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