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Text 4

gadayā nirbibhedādrīn
śastra-durgāṇi sāyakaiḥ
cakreṇāgniṁ jalaṁ vāyuṁ
mura-pāśāṁs tathāsinā

gadayā — with His club; nirbibheda — He broke through; adrīn — the hills; śastra-durgāṇi — the weapon obstacles; sāyakaiḥ — with His arrows; cakreṇa — with His disc; agnim — the fire; jalam — water; vāyum — and wind; mura-pāśān — the cable obstructions; tathā — similarly; asinā — with His sword.

With His club the Lord broke through the rock fortifications; with His arrows, the weapon fortifications; with His disc, the fire, water and wind fortifications; and with His sword, the mura-pāśa cables.

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