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Text 11

kiṁ nu te ’viditaṁ nātha
vakṣye ’thāpi tavājñayā

kim — what; nu — indeed; te — to You; aviditam — unknown; nātha — O master; sarva — of all; bhūta — beings; ātma — of the intelligence; sākṣiṇaḥ — to the witness; kālena — by time; avyāhata — undisturbed; dṛśaḥ — whose vision; vakṣye — I will speak; atha api — nevertheless; tava — Your; ājñayā — by the order.

What could possibly be unknown to You, O master? With vision undisturbed by time, You witness the minds of all living beings. Nevertheless, on Your order I will speak.

Since the Lord knows everything, there is no need to inform Him about anything. Still, to fulfill the Lord’s purpose King Nṛga will speak.

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