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Text 19

arhati hy acyutaḥ śraiṣṭhyaṁ
bhagavān sātvatāṁ patiḥ
eṣa vai devatāḥ sarvā

arhati — deserves; hi — indeed; acyutaḥ — infallible Kṛṣṇa; śraiṣṭhyam — the supreme position; bhagavān — the Supreme Lord; sātvatām — of the Yādavas; patiḥ — the chief; eṣaḥ — He; vai — certainly; devatāḥ — demigods; sarvāḥ — all; deśa — the place (for the sacrifice); kāla — the time; dhana — the material paraphernalia; ādayaḥ — and so on.

[Sahadeva said:] Certainly it is Acyuta, the Supreme Personality of Godhead and chief of the Yādavas, who deserves the highest position. In truth, He Himself comprises all the demigods worshiped in sacrifice, along with such aspects of the worship as the sacred place, the time and the paraphernalia.

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