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Text 38
yad-upāsanayā brahman
yogino malam ātmanaḥ
dhūtvā yānty apunar-bhavam
yat — of which (subtle form of the Vedas); upāsanayā — by the worship; brahman — O brāhmaṇa; yoginaḥ — mystic sages; malam — the contamination; ātmanaḥ — of the heart; dravya — substance; kriyā — activity; kāraka — and performer; ākhyam — designated as such; dhūtvā — cleansing away; yānti — they achieve; apunaḥ-bhavam — freedom from rebirth.
By worship of this subtle form of the Vedas, O brāhmaṇa, mystic sages cleanse their hearts of all contamination caused by impurity of substance, activity and doer, and thus they attain freedom from repeated birth and death.