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Text 39
sukham āsanam āsīnau
prasādābhimukhau munī
punar ānamya pādābhyāṁ
gariṣṭhāv idam abravīt
sukham — comfortably; āsanam — on sitting places; āsīnau — seated; prasāda — mercy; abhimukhau — ready to give; munī — to the Lord’s incarnation as the two sages; punaḥ — again; ānamya — bowing down; pādābhyām — at Their feet; gariṣṭhau — to the supremely worshipable; idam — this; abravīt — he spoke.
Mārkaṇḍeya Ṛṣi once again bowed down at the lotus feet of those two most worshipable sages, who were sitting at ease, ready to bestow all mercy upon him. He then addressed Them as follows.