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Text 12

mūrdhany arpitam aṇuvat sahasra-mūrdhno
bhū-golaṁ sagiri-sarit-samudra-sattvam
ānantyād animita-vikramasya bhūmnaḥ
ko vīryāṇy adhi gaṇayet sahasra-jihvaḥ

mūrdhani — on a hood or head; arpitam — fixed; aṇu-vat — just like an atom; sahasra-mūrdhnaḥ — of Ananta, who has thousands of hoods; bhū-golam — this universe; sa-giri-sarit-samudra-sattvam — with many mountains, trees, oceans and living entities; ānantyāt — due to being unlimited; animita-vikramasya — whose power is immeasurable; bhūmnaḥ — the Supreme Lord; kaḥ — who; vīryāṇi — potencies; adhi — indeed; gaṇayet — can count; sahasra-jihvaḥ — although having thousands of tongues.

Because the Lord is unlimited, no one can estimate His power. This entire universe, filled with its many great mountains, rivers, oceans, trees and living entities, is resting just like an atom on one of His many thousands of hoods. Is there anyone, even with thousands of tongues, who can describe His glories?

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