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Text 13

evam-prabhāvo bhagavān ananto
mūle rasāyāḥ sthita ātma-tantro
yo līlayā kṣmāṁ sthitaye bibharti

evam-prabhāvaḥ — who is so powerful; bhagavān — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; anantaḥ — Ananta; duranta-vīrya — insurmountable prowess; uru — great; guṇa-anubhāvaḥ — possessing transcendental qualities and glories; mūle — at the base; rasāyāḥ — of the lower planetary systems; sthitaḥ — existing; ātma-tantraḥ — completely self-sufficient; yaḥ — who; līlayā — easily; kṣmām — the universe; sthitaye — for its maintenance; bibharti — sustains.

There is no end to the great and glorious qualities of that powerful Lord Anantadeva. Indeed, His prowess is unlimited. Though self-sufficient, He Himself is the support of everything. He resides beneath the lower planetary systems and easily sustains the entire universe.

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