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Text 35

yas tv iha vā atithīn abhyāgatān vā gṛha-patir asakṛd upagata-manyur didhakṣur iva pāpena cakṣuṣā nirīkṣate tasya cāpi niraye pāpa-dṛṣṭer akṣiṇī vajra-tuṇḍā gṛdhrāḥ kaṅka-kāka-vaṭādayaḥ prasahyoru-balād utpāṭayanti.

yaḥ — a person who; tu — but; iha — in this life; — or; atithīn — guests; abhyāgatān — visitors; — or; gṛha-patiḥ — a householder; asakṛt — many times; upagata — obtaining; manyuḥ — anger; didhakṣuḥ — one desiring to burn; iva — like; pāpena — sinful; cakṣuṣā — with eyes; nirīkṣate — looks at; tasya — of him; ca — and; api — certainly; niraye — in hell; pāpa-dṛṣṭeḥ — of he whose vision has become sinful; akṣiṇī — the eyes; vajra-tuṇḍāḥ — those who have powerful beaks; gṛdhrāḥ — vultures; kaṅka — herons; kāka — crows; vaṭa-ādayaḥ — and other birds; prasahya — violently; uru-balāt — with great force; utpāṭayanti — pluck out.

A householder who receives guests or visitors with cruel glances, as if to burn them to ashes, is put into the hell called Paryāvartana, where he is gazed at by hard-eyed vultures, herons, crows and similar birds, which suddenly swoop down and pluck out his eyes with great force.

According to the Vedic etiquette, even an enemy who comes to a householder’s home should be received in such a gentle way that he forgets that he has come to the home of an enemy. A guest who comes to one’s home should be received very politely. If he is unwanted, the householder should not stare at him with unblinking eyes, for one who does so will be put into the hell known as Paryāvartana after death, and there many ferocious birds like vultures, crows, and herons will suddenly come upon him and pluck out his eyes.

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