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Text 17

tebhyas tasyāṁ samabhavad
dakṣaḥ prācetasaḥ kila
yasya prajā-visargeṇa
lokā āpūritās trayaḥ

tebhyaḥ — from all the Pracetās; tasyām — in her; samabhavat — was generated; dakṣaḥ — Dakṣa, the expert in begetting children; prācetasaḥ — the son of the Pracetās; kila — indeed; yasya — of whom; prajā-visargeṇa — by the generation of living entities; lokāḥ — the worlds; āpūritāḥ — filled; trayaḥ — three.

In the womb of that girl the Pracetās all begot a son named Dakṣa, who filled the three worlds with living entities.

Dakṣa was first born during the reign of Svāyambhuva Manu, but because of offending Lord Śiva he was punished by having the head of a goat substituted for his own head. Thus insulted, he had to give up that body, and in the sixth manvantara, called the Cākṣuṣa manvantara, he was born of the womb of Māriṣā as Dakṣa. In this connection Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura quotes this verse:

cākṣuṣe tv antare prāpte
prāk-sarge kāla-vidrute
yaḥ sasarja prajā iṣṭāḥ
sa dakṣo daiva-coditaḥ

“His previous body had been destroyed, but he, the same Dakṣa, inspired by the supreme will, created all the desired living entities in the Cākṣuṣa manvantara.” (Bhāg. 4.30.49) Thus Dakṣa regained his previous opulence and again begot thousands and millions of children to fill the three worlds.

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