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Text 2

bibhṛyād yady asau vāsaḥ
kaupīnācchādanaṁ param
tyaktaṁ na liṅgād daṇḍāder
anyat kiñcid anāpadi

bibhṛyāt — one should use; yadi — if; asau — a person in the renounced order; vāsaḥ — a garment or covering; kaupīna — a loincloth (just to cover the private parts); ācchādanam — for covering; param — that much only; tyaktam — given up; na — not; liṅgāt — than the distinguishing marks of a sannyāsī; daṇḍa-ādeḥ — like the rod (tridaṇḍa); anyat — other; kiñcit — anything; anāpadi — in ordinary undisturbed times.

A person in the renounced order of life may try to avoid even a dress to cover himself. If he wears anything at all, it should be only a loincloth, and when there is no necessity, a sannyāsī should not even accept a daṇḍa. A sannyāsī should avoid carrying anything but a daṇḍa and kamaṇḍalu.

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