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Text 19

tāṁ yātudhāna-pṛtanām asi-śūla-cāpa-
nīlāṅgadarkṣa-panasādibhir anvito ’gāt

tām — all of them; yātudhāna-pṛtanām — the soldiers of the Rākṣasas; asi — by swords; śūla — by lances; cāpa — by bows; prāsa-ṛṣṭiprāsa weapons and ṛṣṭi weapons; śakti-śaraśakti arrows; tomaratomara weapons; khaḍga — by a type of sword; durgām — all invincible; sugrīva — by the monkey named Sugrīva; lakṣmaṇa — by Lord Rāmacandra’s younger brother; marut-suta — by Hanumān; gandhamāda — by Gandhamāda, another monkey; nīla — by the monkey named Nīla; aṅgada — Aṅgada; ṛkṣa — Ṛkṣa; panasa — Panasa; ādibhiḥ — and by other soldiers; anvitaḥ — being surrounded, Lord Rāmacandra; agāt — came in front of (for the sake of fighting).

Lord Rāmacandra, surrounded by Lakṣmaṇa and monkey soldiers like Sugrīva, Hanumān, Gandhamāda, Nīla, Aṅgada, Jāmbavān and Panasa, attacked the soldiers of the Rākṣasas, who were fully equipped with various invincible weapons like swords, lances, bows, prāsas, ṛṣṭis, śakti arrows, khaḍgas and tomaras.

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