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Text 23

tato ’muñcac chilā-varṣaṁ
balasyopary amarṣitaḥ
tat sarvaṁ cūrṇayāṁ āsa
līlayā muṣalāyudhaḥ

tataḥ — then; amuñcat — he released; śilā — of stones; varṣam — a rain; balasya upari — on top of Lord Balarāma; amarṣitaḥ — frustrated; tat — that; sarvam — all; cūrṇayām āsa — pulverized; līlayā — easily; muṣala-āyudhaḥ — the wielder of the club.

The angry ape then released a rain of stones upon Lord Balarāma, but the wielder of the club easily pulverized them all.

Śrīla Prabhupāda writes: “When no more trees were available, Dvivida took help from the hills and threw large pieces of stone, like rainfall, upon the body of Balarāma. Lord Balarāma, in a great sporting mood, began to smash those big pieces of stone into mere pebbles.” Even today there are many sports wherein people enjoy striking a ball or similar object with a stick or bat. This sporting propensity exists originally in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who playfully (līlayā) pulverized the deadly boulders hurled at Him by the powerful Dvivida.

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