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śrī-rukmiṇy uvāca
caidyāya mārpayitum udyata-kārmukeṣu
rājasv ajeya-bhaṭa-śekharitāṅghri-reṇuḥ
ninye mṛgendra iva bhāgam ajāvi-yūthāt
tac-chrī-niketa-caraṇo ’stu mamārcanāya

śrī-rukmiṇī uvāca — Śrī Rukmiṇī said; caidyāya — to Śiśupāla; — me; arpayitum — in order to offer; udyata — holding at the ready; kārmukeṣu — whose bows; rājasu — when the kings; ajeya — invincible; bhaṭa — of soldiers; śekharita — placed upon the heads; aṅghri — of whose feet; reṇuḥ — the dust; ninye — He took away; mṛgendraḥ — a lion; iva — as if; bhāgam — his share; aja — of goats; avi — and sheep; yūthāt — from a group; tat — of Him; śrī — of the supreme goddess of fortune; niketa — who is the abode; caraṇaḥ — the feet; astu — may be; mama — my; arcanāya — for the worship.

Śrī Rukmiṇī said: When all the kings held their bows at the ready to assure that I would be presented to Śiśupāla, He who puts the dust of His feet on the heads of invincible warriors took me from their midst, as a lion forcibly takes his prey from the midst of goats and sheep. May I always be allowed to worship those feet of Lord Kṛṣṇa, the abode of Goddess Śrī.

Lord Kṛṣṇa’s pastime of kidnapping Rukmiṇī is narrated in detail in Chapters Fifty-two through Fifty-four of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam’s Tenth Canto.

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