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Text 15

mṛdaṅga-śaṅkha-bheryaś ca
nedur dundubhayas tathā

mṛdaṅga — sweet-sounding drum; śaṅkha — conchshell; bheryaḥ — brass band; ca — and; vīṇā — string band; paṇava — a kind of flute; gomukhāḥ — another flute; dhundhurī — another drum; ānaka — kettle; ghaṇṭā — bell; ādyāḥ — others; neduḥ — sounded; dundubhayaḥ — other different types of drums; tathā — at that time.

While the Lord was departing from the palace of Hastināpura, different types of drums — like the mṛdaṅga, dhola, nagra, dhundhurī and dundubhi — and flutes of different types, the vīṇā, gomukha and bherī, all sounded together to show Him honor.

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