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Text 55

yāvanty ahāni nandasya
vraje ’vātsīt sa uddhavaḥ
vrajaukasāṁ kṣaṇa-prāyāṇy
āsan kṛṣṇasya vārtayā

yāvanti — for as many; ahāni — days; nandasya — of King Nanda; vraje — in the cowherd village; avātsīt — dwelled; saḥ — he; uddhavaḥ — Uddhava; vraja-okasām — for the residents of Vraja; kṣaṇa-prāyāṇi — passing like a moment; āsan — they were; kṛṣṇasya — about Kṛṣṇa; vārtayā — because of the discussions.

All the days that Uddhava dwelled in Nanda’s cowherd village seemed like a single moment to the residents of Vraja, for Uddhava was always discussing Kṛṣṇa.

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